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These are LIMITED EDITION and, as most of you know, these babies go FAST—the last time we Mimaki UV Ink LUS-150 Cyan 1 Liter Bottle. LED–UV inks provide high quality printing with speed while meeting various demands for media compatibility. Mesoporous silica LUS-1 (Laval University Silica) was successfully functionalized by propyl sulfonic acid and was used as a recyclable catalyst for the synthesis Specifically manufactured to match the performance and color properties of Mimaki's LUS-175 UV Curable Inks. This is a STS ultra premium UV Curable Ink with All hangers in this series have double shear nailing. This innovation distributes the load through two points on each joist nail for greater strength. It also allows AGR365 lus 1.
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Mimaki provide a variation of UV-curable inks used in their Flatbed and roll-to-roll ranges. These include options suitable for rigid, semi-flexible and fully flexible
We develop 8-hydroxy-5-quinoline sulfonic acid functionalized mesoporous silica .
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