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The SR 510, P100/HE particulate filter is of the mechanical type and designed for use in Sundström half masks, full face masks Air Purifying Respirators (APR) and SR 500 Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR). The filter provides protection against all types of particulate pollutants. The SR 510, P100/HE particulate filter is of the mechanical type and designed for use in Sundström half masks, full face masks Air Purifying Respirators (APR) and SR 500 Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR). The filter provides protection against all types of particulate pollutants. Sundstrom offers a complete line of particulate and chemical cartridges for their full face and half face respirators. For multiple hazards the cartridges can be snapped together. The P100 particulate filter should always be placed in front of the chemical cartridges.
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Broadly speaking, mechanical filters work like a fine net; the particles are captured and the pure air passes through very small holes in the filter medium. gives the highest respiratory protection level, excellent fit and comfort. Sundstrom offers a complete line of particulate and chemical cartridges for their full face and half face respirators. For multiple hazards the cartridges can be snapped together. The P100 particulate filter should always be placed in front of the chemical cartridges. The Sundstrom SR 510 HE/P100 particulate filter is a high efficient filter that is ten time more efficient than required by NIOSH. To ensure this excellent protection each filter is … Filter, NIOSH Rating P100, Magenta, Compatible with Brand and Series Sundstrom SR221, PK 5 Item # 6GGU2; Mfr. Model # SR 510 Sundstrom Safety Particulate Filter Technical Spec Sheet; Sundstrom SR 100 Parts and Accessories; Alternate Products View All Safety Respiratory Protection PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirator) Systems & Components PAPR System Components PAPR Particulate Filters & Vapor Cartridges Filter, NIOSH Rating P100… SUNDSTROM SAFETY-H02-1321 SR510 Particulate Filter P100 H/E - available at
Arco - Experts in Safety P100 High-efficiency particle filter tested for 99.997% absorption capacity for very small particles such as bacteria and viruses.
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Sundstrom offers a complete line of particulate and chemical cartridges for their full face and half face respirators. For multiple hazards the cartridges can be snapped together.
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When you combine with use Pre-filter for coarse particles which will help to prolong the life of P100 filter.
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Filters are 10 times more efficient than NIOSH standards. The Sundstrom Respirator Kit for Wildfires includes one silicone half mask, one P100 particulate filter, ten pre-filters, pre-filter holder, spark arrester and enclosed in a storage box. The Sundstrom’s P100 filter eliminates 99997% of all types of particles.
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Looking for SUNDSTROM SAFETY Pre-Filter Holder, For Use With Full Face, Half The Sundstrom SR500 Pre-Filter Holder allows the use of the particulate filter SR510.
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Sundstrom Safety. Sundstrom SR 510 P100 Particle Filter - 1 Each. MSRP: $13.70 The SR 510 P100 particulate filter is high effecient filter of mechanical type.
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3M 7907S Full Face Respirator (without filter) Sundström Gasfilter SR 315 ABE1. Sundstrom Safety Filters protect against all types of particles including dust, fume, fog, Available types are Chemical Cartridge, P100 Particulate Filter and HE Sundström Safety AB introducerar SR 500 serien . The particle filter should be combined with pre-filter SR 221, which will thereby Respirator, M Mask, P100 Filter Class, 99.997 % Filter Efficiency, Blue (2) Sold by East Coast Hardware.