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Fast is both an adjective and an adverb. Quick is an adjective and the adverb form is quickly. Jun 27, 2017 "more quickly" is a comparative ADVERB and describes an ACTION "The red car MOVED more quickly than the blue car." "quicker" is a  Oct 28, 2018 Besides mastering the techniques for Cloze Passages and Comprehension Questions, we believe that it is equally important to understand the  6 More quickly synonyms. What are another words for More quickly? Sooner, earlier, faster. Full list of synonyms for More quickly is here.

More quickly

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ET/7 a.m. PT/11:30 a.m. NT on CBC News Network and CBC Gem A new set of MORE quick comparisons between the five main Animal Crossing games. Compares things such as the total number of villagers in each game, special 2021-04-13 · Cybersecurity: Victims are spotting cyberattacks much more quickly - but there's a catch. Cyber criminals are spending less time inside networks before they're discovered.

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This question is for testing whether or not you are a human  Tutorial Tuesday: Find a GPS signal more quickly. SuuntoRun Simply put, to find the satellites quicker, sync your watch regularly with Suunto app. Suunto app  The event raised more than $100,000 to support the educational mission a bigger facility, but COVID-19 spurred them to do it more quickly.

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More quickly

Scribe support during visits may also allow PCPs to more quickly address out-of- visit tasks, such as authorizing prescription requests, managing patient results,  Feb 5, 2017 At Kaiser Permanente Southern California (KPSC), we aimed to find a quicker, more effective, more systematic way to break that logjam in a  Sep 6, 2019 The way that people get paid more quickly is to pay them sooner. It's innovations like the ones created through fintechs like DailyPay and  Jun 16, 2020 Some of me thinks if only we could do this more in clinical research, we would get a lot more answers a lot more quickly. Neil Schluger:  For EFTA States which open up their markets more quickly than is required by the EEA Joint Committee Decision No 168/1999, the Authority may agree to  To develop, authorise and make safe COVID-19 vaccines available more easily, MEPs today adopted a temporary derogation from certain  Back to work more quickly (07/02/2014). A rehabilitation project that helps patients to return quickly to work wins an ESF award  specialty control panels, such as Media Remote, Application Switcher and Web Browsing Remote, which helps you perform specific operations more quickly. For example, how can you discover what people most care about or identify fraud or other bad actors in your business? It can be difficult to explore data quickly  Files by Google is a file management app that helps you: ✨ Free up space with cleaning recommendations Find files faster with search and simple browsing Get more from your IT with an AI powered and digitally enabled service that allowing your business to adapt more quickly and drive innovation with fewer  av A Korhonen · 2006 — speed of composting.

More quickly

Illinois Soybean Association, Dalex reduce time required to identify soybean  Mar 17, 2020 The new coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, has caused more than 168,000 infections globally, leading to the health condition COVID-19. In an  Feb 4, 2021 “One more source” can easily turn into hours that you could have been writing. To overcome the temptation to procrastinate on research, I employ  Apr 11, 2021 “We feel like we're at a place where the economy's about to start growing much more quickly and job creation coming in much more quickly.”. Jan 30, 2021 Heart surgery can be stressful, but researchers may have found a way to reduce patients' anxiety and postoperative pain -- without any extra  Formulaic Sequences: Are They Processed More Quickly than Nonformulaic Language by Native and Nonnative Speakers?
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ÄNNU SNABBARE ▷ English Translation - Examples Of Use

(Here, the adverb "quickly" modifies the verb "learns," and the comparative adverb "more quickly" modifies the verb "learns." Both words are adverbs.) adj. shorter time. soonest.

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Students learn faster when learning from robots that make mistakes. However, if the headset is attached to the AAA battery charger while holding a charge, it will drain the AAA battery more quickly, resulting in less total talk time. such as multitarget replication, secondary time travel, invisible take-over, or take-over with handshake, more easily with SAP HANA cockpit. Manage, automate  Only bombs destroy a city more quickly than rent control. 2015-06-04 Irish Independent. "För att stabilisera marknaden och hjälpa dem som drabbats av  Learn more from your reservoir It can unlock crucial data relating to fluid typing, capillary pressure and fluid rate has declined much more quickly than all of our neighboring states. Their death rates are declining too; we've just declined much faster.