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Anpassad status – Discord - Discord Support
Now, we will start to guide you on how to set the playing status on Discord. How to change the online status in Discord. There are four online status options on Discord: online, idle, do not disturb, and invisible. Online: users are online, playing and interacting. It will appear a green circle beside your avatar.
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It enables people to chat with each other via text, voice, or video in real time. Manually Change Your Online Discord Playing Status · Right-click on the Discord client avatar · Choose your playing status from the options displayed. Discord Status shows server information as a discord bot status and updates it every X amount of seconds based on the configuration. Randomize Status will You can change the number of minutes it takes before triggering in the variable: " minutes_to_click" in .
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Let's update our bot's status when it comes How to change what you're playing on Discord? Discord application has the capability to detect the game that is currently being executed within the system. Changes the status icons to wrap around the avatar.
Det är en liten Windows-applikation för att byta röstpå systemnivå.
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anmäla dig till Discord Nitro, som fungerar mer som en statussymbol och en Server för inkommande e-post (IMAP). Kräver SSL: Ja. Port: 993. Server för utgående e-post (SMTP).
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. 2021-01-30 · Manually change your game status in Discord Open Discord and navigate to User Settings.. Select Games from the left menu and then add it to the right.. Manually add a game or program from the list that appears..
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However, keep in mind that you will have to change this custom game status every time you start the app manually. This is because it will go back to automatic once you restart the app. It will show a red circle in your Avatar. Invisible: Interestingly, it can make you appear offline entirely, but in fact, you are still accessing Discord as normal.
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Setting Custom Status. Go to the left-bottom of the screen and tap on your profile name status = 'online' status_enum = Status. online: elif status is Status.