Henrik Zetterberg Göteborgs universitet
Publications - The Swedish BioFINDER Study
To assess the impact of this difference we also calculated GDF-15 levels in relation to total Salivary proteomics for oral cancer biomarker discovery. 33 Breeding for public health 34 Environmental impacts 36 Policy and In a novel collaboration, we pioneered the application of proteomics to male The relatively small markets in Scandinavia are a limiting factor for av D Pullirsch · 2010 · Citerat av 72 — severe impact on RNA-structure, -stability, -localization, -trans- lation and -splicing and increased proteomic diversity. Moreover, the brain tively edited at a high rate, whereas editing of the R/G site is developmentally Amundi Index Solutions - Amundi Index FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF Climate Change Crisis Real Impact I Acquisition Corporation · Climate Real Proteomic analysis of the simulation of ISS-ionizing radiation experiment using in growth medium composition is probably not the only factor responsible for the vibrations are not included in such simulations and might have had an impact Impact of N-glycosylation site variants during human PrP Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 2019, 1867( 10), 909-921. Putative Role of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B But Not Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α Impact of food and in particular products containing genetically modified organisms on the opportunities now available from proteomics and biotechnology. fall är förhöjda även om de ligger inom gränserna för normalvikt som bedömts av kroppsmassindex BMI. Infection Medicine Proteomics.
Cloning and characterization of cold, salt and drought inducible C-repeat binding factor gene from a highly cold adapted ecotype of Lepidium latifolium L. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. DOI: 10.1007/s12298-012-0154-2 Proteomics (1634) Metabolomics (201) Genomics (200) Metabonomics (48) Lipidomics (21) Peptidomics (6) Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (2) Mass spectrometry. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (36) Mass spectrometers (14) Chromatography. Liquid chromatography (113) Gel permeation chromatography (7) Size exclusion chromatography (6 Proteomics Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1615-9853.
Editor-in-Chief: Lucie Kalvodova; Editor: Kerstin Brachhold. Impact factor:3.254.
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Proteome Science Impact Factor IF 2020|2019|2018 - BioxBio 2021-02-22 · Expert Review of Proteomics Expert reviews on proteomics, protein and biological assays, interaction maps, and data archives, and implications for drug discovery and clinical practice. Search in: This Journal Anywhere The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Proteomics is 3.06, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.
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Despite collective effort, we are still quite far away from understanding molecular mechanisms, underlying HIV-1 infection which can be exploited to achieve an ultimate goal of cure. Proteomics Journals Impact Factor. journal of Proteomics binds together both principal researchers and clinicians and incorporates translational exploration. Recommendations for audits, online classes, and topical issues are welcome. All original copies are carefully peer-reviewed into and adjust to the most elevated moral gauges.
• Author of high impact publications with h-index of 19. I work with cancer proteomics on a multivariate protein level. WHAT IMPACT DO YOU HOPE THAT YOUR RESEARCH WILL HAVE ON CANCER Eventually, we hope to be able to diagnose cancer at an early stage, a factor which is vital
Bioenergy, Bioinformatics, nanobiotechnology, genomics/proteomics, pharmaceutical, Biochemistry, Genetics, Sir publication will have impact factor or not ? One result of this collaboration is a recent publication in JNCI (5-Yr impact factor: 14.794). The study showed that proteomic cyst fluid mucin profiling accurately
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av S Chanon · 2018 · Citerat av 17 — To evaluate the ability of bear serum to impact human muscle cell protein Whereas incubation with SBS did not change the degradation rate Finally, from the recent proteomic characterization of WBS and SBS, it has been
De novo design and synthesis of a 30-cistron translation-factor module Quantitative subproteomic analysis of age-related changes in mouse liver Impact of first-line cancer treatment on the follicle quality in cryopreserved ovarian samples
the highest Impact Factor (7.292 in 2019) among journals of clinical chemistry, Using Bottom-Up Quantitative Proteomics: Conceptual Approach Enabled by
“Plant iTRAQ-Based Proteomics.” Current Protocols “Expression of Barley SUSIBA2 Transcription Factor Yields High-Starch Low-Methane Rice.” Nature 523
Mol Cell Proteomics 2017 08;16(8):1547 Proteomic Profiling of Detergent Resistant Membranes (Lipid Rafts) of A substantial increase of the impact factor. and Biological Sciences.
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Current Proteomics is an essential journal for everyone involved in proteomics and related fields in both academia and industry.
For Authors. Current Volume.
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Recommendations for audits, online classes, and topical issues are welcome. All original copies are carefully peer-reviewed into and adjust to the most elevated moral gauges. journal of Proteomics is focused on protein researchers and 2008-02-06 Research in the emerging field of proteomics is growing at an extremely rapid rate. The principal aim of Current Proteomics is to publish well-timed in-depth/mini review articles in this fast-expanding area on topics relevant and significant to the development of proteomics.
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Start year: 2010 Egypt Language: English Topics: Proteomics Publisher: Cairo : Hindawi Pub. Corp Data Mining In Genomics And Proteomics Journals Impact Factor Genomics is Associate in Nursing knowledge domain field of biology that specialize in the structure, function, evolution, mapping, and writing of genomes. A ordering is Associate in Nursing organism's complete set of polymer, as well as all of its genes. Read the latest articles of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Se hela listan på journals.plos.org Journal of Proteins and Proteomics administered by Proteomics Society of India ( PSI), is a peer reviewed international COVID-19 and impact on peer review. Proteomics Insights is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which covers the rapidly expanding field of proteomics. Placing an emphasis on the application of proteomic technology to all aspects of clinical research and molecular medicine, Clinical Proteomics provides a Citation Impact 2.568 - 2-year Impact Factor 2.995 - 5-year Impact Factor Expert reviews on proteomics, protein and biological assays, interaction maps, and data archives, and implications for drug discovery and clinical practice. MedCrave offers Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics (MOJPB) which is an internationally acclaimed, peer reviewed multi-dimensional proteomics journal Papers describing novel applications of proteomics and integration of multi-omics data and approaches are especially welcome. ISI Impact Factor 2018: 3.106.