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Sharan Burrow: "A new social contract can help us building a new economic model" General Secretary of the ITUC, Sharan Burrow, argues for a paradigm change for a more resilient post-COVID economy Sharan Burrow calls for a new ‘social contract’ between companies and workers. Former ACTU President Sharan Burrow, now General-secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, in We need a new social contract where rights, inclusive growth and shared prosperity are forged. The SDG’s and the Paris climate agreement promised a zero poverty, zero carbon future but it will not be realised without leaders in every sphere having the courage to forge vital change. Medium Speaking at Davos Agenda Week 2021 during The Advancing a New Social ContractTo learn more visit:https://www.weforum.org/events/the-davos-agenda-2021 2021-03-31 · Sharan Burrow explains The ITUC’s priority is to fight for a new social contract. That starts with jobs, jobs and jobs, including climate-friendly jobs. 18 June 2020. Labour.
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Former ACTU President Sharan Burrow, now General-secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, in Sharan Burrow: "A new social contract can help us building a new economic model" General Secretary of the ITUC, Sharan Burrow, argues for a paradigm change for a more resilient post-COVID economy We need a new social contract where rights, inclusive growth and shared prosperity are forged. The SDG’s and the Paris climate agreement promised a zero poverty, zero carbon future but it will not be realised without leaders in every sphere having the courage to forge vital change. Speaking at Davos Agenda Week 2021 during The Advancing a New Social ContractTo learn more visit:https://www.weforum.org/events/the-davos-agenda-2021 18 June 2020. Labour. The ITUC Global Rights Index exposes the failings of the world’s economic model – a New Social Contract can help us build a new one. Sharan Burrow: This seventh edition of the Rights Index ranks 144 countries on their degree of respect for workers’ rights.
As the world shifts, We must defend workers’ and other human rights and demand a new social contract.
Sharan Burrow: “We have had a very successful last term
Moreover for a new social contract with decent work and social protection for all in Zimbabwe. Oct 28, 2020 Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, warned that "Internet-mediated platform jobs are absolutely Jun 14, 2020 Unfortunately, new research by Bloomberg Economics reckons 30% of U.S. job for working people and the economy,” said Sharan Burrow , General Secretary of “The 'new normal' requires a new social contract be Jan 21, 2018 Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the International Trade Union You know there is commitment to a new social contract from the business Feb 27, 2017 By Sharan Burrow, general secretary, International Trade Union In the private sector alone, an estimated 380m new jobs could be created by 2030 model, and the social contract between workers and business, is broke Dec 2, 2019 Ensure Green New Deals mean a New Social Contract in every country with for governments to halt the climate emergency,” said Ms Burrow. Sep 13, 2019 ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow's closing words at the 2019 CWC Workers' new platform businesses – no rights, no minimum wages, no social And the IMF continues to take a machete to the social contract Nov 13, 2019 do more to hold firms to account on labor rights, said Sharan Burrow, we need a new social contract to clean up forced labor," said Burrow, Sep 4, 2020 A new Social Contract for Recovery and Resilience for Latin America and the Caribbean and Sharan Burrow, Secretary General, ITUC. May 7, 2019 Author: Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union It provides the basis for a new, revitalised social contract.
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The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have brutally exposed the fault lines in the global economy, with large parts of the world’s workforce trapped in precarious and insecure work. 2018-05-15 Sharan Burrow makes a significant case for why a new social contract (internationally and nationally) must be created and suggests why quality public education for all has to be an integral part of any such new world view. . . In too many nations the social contract has … A new social contract by Sharan Burrow on 24th June 2020 The 2020 ITUC Global Rights Index exposes the failings of the world’s economic model—a new social contract can help us build a new one. 2020-04-30 UN SDG Summit: workers demand a New Social Contract to put the world back on track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sharan Burrow: "Workers want a New Social Contract that delivers decent work for all" For the global labour movement, SDG 8 on decent work and sustainable development is paramount.
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(Davos 2021) Advancing a New Social Contract (Hilary Cottam, James Quincey, Pedro Sánchez, Sharan Burrow, Paul Kagame, Jo Ann Jenkins, Saadia Zahidi, WEF) Autore articolo Di Marco Emanuele Data dell'articolo Gennaio 26, 2021 Sharan Burrow #COVID19 The Greatest Display of #Solidarity in Human History Working people who are bearing the brunt of the crisis — those in the front line and those pushed out of work. That’s where the real solidarity can be found & where it is needed most. New blog⬇️ 330d Sharan Burrow – General Secretary The social contract has broken down. This is inequality by design and it’s time for Goal 8 to be realised.
This must focus on the responsibility of business, including platform businesses. All business must have a social license to operate. Sharan Burrow was elected General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) at its Second World Congress in Vancouver in June 2010. Previously President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) since 1992, she served as inaugural President of the I TUC from its foundation in Vienna in 2006, and of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (a predecessor
Let’s close the equality gap with a new social contract and put women at the centre of recovery plans | by Sharan Burrow | Mar, 2021 | Medium.
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Sharan Burrow: “We have had a very successful last term
Our world is in crisis with many faces of devastation: the devastation of The events of 2020—in particular the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impacts—have exposed many existing structural inequities and highlighted the fact that our existing social contract is no longer fit for purpose. Sharan is a driving force in the global movement to create a dialogue between business, civil society, and government in order to forge a new social contract that advances social progress for all, including the transition to a net-zero economy that sustains jobs Let’s close the equality gap with a new social contract and put women at the centre of recovery plans. Sharan Burrow. Mar 8 · 4 min read.
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2020-04-30 UN SDG Summit: workers demand a New Social Contract to put the world back on track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow will call on world leaders at the UN in New York this week to recognise that a New Social Contract is required to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals can be met. Sharan Burrow was elected General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) at its Second World Congress in Vancouver in June 2010. Previously President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) since 1992, she served as inaugural President of the I TUC from its foundation in Vienna in 2006, and of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (a predecessor 2021-03-26 2021-03-31 2020-05-12 Meeting the Moment for a New Social Contract: Q&A with Sharan Burrow of the ITUC Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) BSR is pleased to welcome Sharan Burrow, an outspoken champion for workers and climate, as a plenary speaker at our 2020 Conference. In this article, we discuss her point of view on 2018-12-22 Sharan Leslie Burrow AC (born 12 December 1954) is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and a former President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (2000–2010).