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Absolut Warhola is a 2001 Polish-German documentary film directed by Stanislaw Mucha about Andy Warhol's extended family, whom he never met, from rural Slovakia. [1] The film follows the filmmakers as they travel through eastern Slovakia to interview Warhol's surviving relatives, ethnic-Rusyns living near the Polish border in Miková, and to visit the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in docufilm by Stanislav Mucha this is in Slovak language with Dutch subtitling.Andy Warhol's Rhutinian relatives in the Slowak village Mikova where Andy's moth Regie: Stanislaw MuchaProduktionsfirma: Strandfilm GmbH (Frankfurt am Main)DVD-Anbieter: Kinowelt Home Entertainment© Kinowelt Absolut Warhola Stanislaw Mucha's third docu, "Absolut Warhola," is an agreeably loose and free record of a visit to the east Slovakian villages that claim Andy Warhol as their own, but with an Absolut Warhola is a documentary by Stanislaw Mucha about the rural Slovakian heritage of Andy Warhol. See New, extended and remastered version. Enjoy!

Absolut warhola film

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Film details. Featuring. Michal Warhola Janko Zavacky Maria Warhola. Director. Stanislaw Absolut Warhola na ČSFD, Kinoboxu, FDb, IMDb Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky . Absolut Warhola je německý dokumentární film o Andym Warholovi a o jeho slovenských rodinných příbuzných, který byl natočen v roce 2001 polským režisérem Stanisławem Muchou . Absolut Vodka är kända runt om i världen för att samarbeta med massor av konstnärer, både världskända och lokala, för att smycka ut sina flaskor.

1h 20min | Documentary | 29 November 2001 (Germany) Follows the filmmakers as they travel through eastern Slovakia to interview Warhol's surviving relatives, ethnic-Rusyns living near the Polish border in Miková, and to visit the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Medzilaborce. Absolut Warhola is a 2001 Polish-German documentary film directed by Stanislaw Mucha about Andy Warhol 's extended family, whom he never met, from rural Slovakia.

Swedish Film #2 2017 by The Swedish Film Institute - issuu

SYNOPSIS Located somewhere in the middle of nowhere , in the "Ruthenian Bermuda Triangle" between Slovakia, Poland and the  Un film de Stanisław Mucha. fr; eng. Un retour poétique vers les racines de l'idole pop américaine Andy Warhol, jusqu  ABSOLUT WARHOLA (2001) tracing the origins of the US pop artist Andy Warhol to.

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Absolut warhola film

Miková, in Ruthenia, Slovakia, doesn't have a lot to shout about, but it's where Andy Warhol's parents hailed from, and as someone comments, BFI Film Academy: opportunities for ABSOLUT WARHOLA (2001) Tweet. Tweet. Film details. Featuring.

Absolut warhola film

Time Out says. Miková, in Ruthenia, Slovakia, doesn't have a lot to shout about, but it's where Andy Warhol's parents hailed from, and as someone comments, Andy is 'way Absolut Warhola este un film documentar germano-polonez, realizat în 2001 de Stanislaw Mucha, despre familia extinsă a lui Andy Warhol, care locuiește în partea rurală a Slovaciei, de unde artistul pop fusese originar. Regie: Stanislaw MuchaProduktionsfirma: Strandfilm GmbH (Frankfurt am Main)DVD-Anbieter: Kinowelt Home Entertainment© Kinowelt (Philadelphia, March 9, 2004) From rising German director Stanislaw Mucha comes one of the most intriguing art documentaries in recent years, Absolut Warhola, released by TLA Releasing on its International Film Festival VHS/DVD label. The film traces the ancestry of Andy Warhol’s peculiar past and exposes a history never seen until now. Absolut Warhola is a 2001 film directed by Stanislaw Mucha about Andy Warhol's extended family, whom he never met, from rural Slovakia. Located somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in the “Ruthenian Bermuda Triangle”, is Europe’s only Pop Art Museum.
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benämner dem ”absolut film” då skaparna enligt forskaren sökte, med filmen som verktyg I stil med Warhol och Snow – om än långt ifrån lika extremt – fångar.

Konst · Warhols urvattnade tomatsoppa. Det saknade Andy Warhol-verket 'Absolut Warhol' har nu återförenats Casinot har figurerat i James Bond-filmer och besökts flitigt av många  Under filmhistorien har många filmer helt enkelt försvunnit. HONOM; Batman slåss Dracula; Farvälprestanda; Andy Warhol filmer Jack Smith filmer Normal Till exempel skapade John Landis en absolut klassiker 1980 med Blues Brothers.
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Swedish Film #2 2017 by The Swedish Film Institute - issuu

The film follows the filmmakers as they travel through eastern Slovakia to interview Warhol's surviving relatives, ethnic-Ruthenians living near the Polish border in Miková, and to visit the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Medzilaborce. Absolut Warhola je nemecký dokumentárny film o Andym Warholovi a jeho slovenských rodinných príbuzných, ktorý bol nakrútený v roku 2001 poľským režisérom Stanisławom Muchom (Mannheim Film Festival) Germany 29 November 2001: USA June 2002 (Los Angeles Film Festival) Czech Republic Absolut Warhola: Brazil (festival title) Warhol Total: Absolut Warhola (2001) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

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Men jag gillar skivan, absolut, det finns ögonblick av fullkomligt bländande briljans där. Jag hoppas bara att I filmen spelar Bowie Andy Warhol.