Master programme in Latin American Studies, 120 hp


Local and regional development Karlstad University

In this way, CRS regional concentrations serve as laboratories for knowledge, allowing students to draw lessons from experiences within a region to inform their understanding of the local context and, importantly, of how and why the local context shapes outcomes of global interest. Department of Global & Regional Studies Putting the Welcome Sign Back up: A new approach to refugees Welcoming and settling refugees in the United States is the right thing to do for a number of reasons, argues Pablo Bose, an urban geographer and migration studies scholar at the University of Vermont. The Research Master in Regional Studies at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is directed towards students who have both theoretical and methodological orientations. Training students to become researchers, this 2-year Research Master in Regional Studies gives participants the opportunity to take part in scientific debates and to be involved in research projects. The interdisciplinary MA program in Regional Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean (MARSLAC) provides a broad social science-based approach to modern and … Students attending the joint programme spend their first and second semester at Tartu and their third semester in Berlin and, upon graduation, receive a double degree: Master of Arts in Social Sciences «International Relations and Regional Studies» from UT and … The Regional and Area Studies programme offer groundbreaking scholarship across a variety of academic disciplines, providing key insights into the historical, cultural, social, political and economic dynamics of a number of the world’s most important geopolitical regions. Titles in this programme are simultaneously historical and contemporary in focus. Undergraduate Urban and Regional Studies Program The Department of City and Regional Planning offers a bachelor of science in urban and regional studies (B.S.

Regional studies programme

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It attracts students  Course plan: From 1 to 3 academic years - BA programme at the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Regional Studies – European Studies. You can join a double degree programme by UT and Freie Universität Berlin and spend your second year in Germany. After graduation, you can work in foreign  URSI was established in November 1999. Its current Director is Prof Frank Vanclay. About.

In case you have not obtained your  The programme has a long tradition in training both people seeking careers in urban and regional planning policy and mid-career professionals.


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Regional studies programme

Programme: Regional Studies Duration: 4 years Credits: 240 Mode of study: full-time Fees for international students: 2000 USD Language of instruction: English, Azeri or Russian The Bachelor’s Degree in Regional Studies is a full-time multidisciplinary Programme that introduces students to political, cultural, economic and social structuresof the USA and Europe with a special emphasis on History & Regional Studies Programme What is History & Regional Studies Programme? Penang’s impressive growth as a cultural and economic hub was fuelled by free trade. This regionality and globality came to define the character of this “Pearl of the Orient”, and its reputation is built on this history of entrepreneurship. March 22, 2021 More detail on this event.

Regional studies programme

The UNEP Regional Seas Programme is UNEP’s most important regional mechanism for conservation of the marine and coastal environment since its establishment in 1974. It is an action-oriented programme that implements region-specific activities, bringing together stakeholders including governments, scientific communities and civil societies. These Multilateral Environmental Agreements are RESEARCH INSTITUTE for REGIONAL STUDIES (REGI) REGI is a unit of the Faculty of Education, Languages, and Design.It is the only scientific institution in the Baltics dealing with the development of regional studies as a new scientific area, implementing regional policy of the European Union and promoting the development and sustainability of the region. The programmes are prepared by each Country and/or region, and financed under the European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund. Additional sectoral filters are available for: European Social Fund (ESF) programmes The program has its academic basis in the Faculty of Regional Development Studies, one of the leading educational bodies in Asia in the field of international cooperation and regional development. Currently 31 foreign students (out of 47 in total) from various regions of the world are attending the Graduate School of Regional Development Studies.
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6 249 gillar · 27 pratar om detta. The Regional Studies Association is a learned society concerned with analysis of regions Region Jönköpings län is positive about the regional research programme and has decided to allocate 5 MSEK for a third round of the  A designed training programme offered by the host organisation and the TOD-IS-RUR consortium. International secondments to other  av G Forsberg · 2015 · Citerat av 16 — The 2004–2007 regional development programme in Värmland, a Swedish county, European Urban and Regional Studies 18(3): 306–320. Regional Development Partnerships in Sweden: A Way for Higher Education of Engagement by Universities in their Region's Development' Regional Studies 37 Utvecklingsprogram för Umeå universitet (Development Programme for  The programme ends with an independent research project of 30 credits which provides opportunities for both thematic and regional specialization. Moreover  The partnership behind the ESPON programme consists of the EU Rapporteur: Johanna Roto, MSc - Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, YTK. Helsinki  Mats has a background in urban geography and regional studies.

As an interdisciplinary program, Arab and Regional Studies: Provides students with the strong historical and civilizational background necessary to make sense of the development and current issues of the region.
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SGSPP- Bachelor's in Urban and Regional Planning The

Lund, Sweden, 4 - 8  Regional Programme for Environmental and Health Research in Central On the contrary, several of the environmental studies were not  Karin André is part of the climate research programme Mistra-SWECIA on regional climate adaptation processes in the Swedish forestry sector. The research programme finances a set number of research projects. The aim is that the research benefits society by producing findings that  With the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2015– The regional ERDF programme covering Värmland (North Middle  Regional concentration of university graduates: The role of high school grades and parental background.

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Publications - Sida

Regional Studies (Czech Program) Typical background: Students pursuing this programme display keen interest in how local planning and local economy shape the … Area studies (also regional studies) are interdisciplinary fields of research and scholarship pertaining to particular geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions.