Medlemsbladet#203 - data centers - doczz


IBM Knowledge Center

RESTful API Guide This publication pr ovides an overview of the Repr esentational State T ransfer (RESTful) API, which pr ovides a platform independent means by which to initiate cr eate, r ead, update, and delete operations in the DS8000 and supporting storage devices. V1.3 SC27-9235-00 V1.2 SC27-8502-02 V1.1 SC27-8502-01 V1.0 SC27-8502-00 T DS8000 RESTful API Python Client. Project details. Project links. Homepage Statistics. Tags IBM, DS8000 Storage Maintainers arbelNathan shwzhang T able 1. DS8000 series product publications T itle Description Order number DS8882F Intr oduction and Planning Guide This publication pr ovides an overview of the DS8882F , the latest storage system in the DS8000 series.

Ds8000 rest api

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The RESTful API implements four basic program operations, which are create, read, update and delete (CRUD), that map to corresponding HTTP methods: HTTP POST is mapped to create operations. For instance, create a Fixed Block volume in the DS8870. HTTP GET is mapped to the query (read) operation. DS8000 or DS6000 model..

Tags IBM, DS8000 Storage Maintainers arbelNathan shwzhang T able 1. DS8000 series product publications T itle Description Order number DS8882F Intr oduction and Planning Guide This publication pr ovides an overview of the DS8882F , the latest storage system in the DS8000 series.

Medlemsbladet#203 - data centers - doczz

Multi Cloud Storage Toolkit (MCStore) • DS8000 and DFSMS Cloud Data Migration provider agnostic KVS API provider specific REST API Backup and  Global Technology Services® and started as an IBM System Service Representative (IBM. SSR). He is now a member of the DS8000 and FlashSystem PFE  Accelerate with IBM Storage: DS8000 Technical Update Based • DS8870 R7.5 and DS8880 R8.0 Only •Based on REST API Cinder driver (1.6.0) 37 DS8880  REST API proxy which is located in the HMC of the DS8880.

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Ds8000 rest api

ePub - Complete Book (7.3 MB) View in various apps on iPhone, iPad, Android, Sony Reader, or Windows Phone. Mobi - Complete Book (16.66 MB) The DS8000 will not be able to call home, change its configuration, and start or stop remote Copy Services through the GUI, CLI, or API. Page 118 Loop back address The loop back address is ::1 (the host sends a message to itself).

Ds8000 rest api

When you start the DS8000 Storage Manager, the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Signon window is displayed.
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For example, DS8000. • IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST APIs: You can use IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST APIs to manage and serve cryptographic objects for applications that support REST APIs. For example, cloud applications. Exploring the DS8870 RESTful API Implementation Representational State Transfer (REST) is a stateless architectural style and development approach that uses existing web technology and protocols, essentially Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In the last few years, REST has emerged as a predominant web service design model.

IBM System Storage DS8000 Copy Services for Open Systems Plan, install, and configure DS8000 Copy Services Learn about IBM FlashCopy and Copy Services Learn through examples and practical scenarios Get the flexibility and control you need to scale from simple eSignature integrations to complex enterprise applications with the DocuSign eSignature REST API International Technical Support Organization DS8800 Performance Monitoring and Tuning July 2012 SG24-8013-00 The Log Analytics REST API provides operations for managing the following resources. Operation Group Description; Workspaces: Manage Log Analytics workspaces. Data Sources: Create or update data sources. Linked Services: Create or update linked services.
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IBM Knowledge Center

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IBM Knowledge Center

The general format of an API  ments for nearly two decades.4 For years, IBM DS8000 has been the number one family of storage systems at-rest and on-the-fly technologies, and “six- nines”8 availability required to enable successful programming interface (API). Multi Cloud Storage Toolkit (MCStore) • DS8000 and DFSMS Cloud Data Migration provider agnostic KVS API provider specific REST API Backup and  Global Technology Services® and started as an IBM System Service Representative (IBM. SSR). He is now a member of the DS8000 and FlashSystem PFE  Accelerate with IBM Storage: DS8000 Technical Update Based • DS8870 R7.5 and DS8880 R8.0 Only •Based on REST API Cinder driver (1.6.0) 37 DS8880  REST API proxy which is located in the HMC of the DS8880.