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Företaget Ulf Johansson, Fabrikschef TSS i Kalmar Vi fortsätter också att presentera ytterligare en av Trelleborg Sealing Solutions produktionsenheter: TSS Malta. Maltafabriken producerar varje vecka över 25 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingor A/S - Annan plastvarutillverkning. CFAR: 1001594882. Etableringsår: 1965. Dotterbolag till:.
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In den vergangenen 50 Jahren haben wir ein Portfolio aus Dichtungen und Lagern entwickelt, das nahezu alle Bedarfe aus der Dichtungsbranche abdeckt. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information. To obtain the best recommendation for a specific application, please contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions marketing company. This edition supersedes all previous brochures. This brochure or any part of it may not be reproduced without permission.
Gävle is a fully integrated site under Kalmar’s responsibility. The site of Gävle is a painting facility, which prepare the steel for vulcanization with rubber in Kalmar. Manufacturer: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions: Description: Rotary Seals: Part number: TRL 100x125,4x12,7-4NC01: Selection: Radial Oil Seal TSS Type TRL Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Företag
Enter your Email to receive an email message with your password. New User? Click the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. 8,9 tn gillar · 48 pratar om detta. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a world leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading worldwide supplier, developer and manufacturer of industrial seals, including O-Rings, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Seals, Mechanical Face Seals and Rotary and Static Sealing Systems Vad betyder TSS? TSS står för Trelleborg tätning Solutions.
TSS is a major international sealing force . Therefore they are uniquely placed to offer dedicated seal design and
Contacts: Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, Handwerkstrasse 5–7, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany.
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Dec 31, 2020 Fort Wayne, Indiana. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions US, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Trelleborg AB. Organization Dec 17, 2019 Trelleborg has, through its Trelleborg Sealing Solutions business area, and ' Ease of Doing Business' philosophy.