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The Disclaimer is to be read together with any terms, conditions The Disclaimer is to be read together with any terms, conditions or disclaimers provided in the pages of the Site and in the product-specific legal disclaimers. In the event of any conflict, the terms provided in the pages of the Site and in the product-specific legal disclaimers will govern. The information provided by CHY MALL NIGERIA (“We,” “Us” or “Our”) on chymall.shop (the “Website”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Website is provided in good faith, however, We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity Disclaimers for ShoppingMallStoreDirectory.com All the information on this website – www.shoppingmallstoredirectory.com – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only.

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When using this product Use before the expiration date marked on the product. Can be used for up to three months after opening.

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