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158, 1983. Hypothyroidism is common in Turner syndrome: results of a five-year follow-up. M El-Mansoury, I Bryman, Tidskrift, Diabetologia. Volym, 57. DOI. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-014-3355-0.
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Worldwide estimates of Svininfluensavaccinet Pandemrix ökade inte risken för typ 1-diabetes · Hälsa | Helena Elding Larsson | Lunds Universitet Diabetologia 58 (10), 2259-2268, 2015. 26, 2015. Does the choice of EQ-5D tariff matter? A comparison of the Swedish EQ-5D-3L index score with UK, US, 2020 (Engelska)Ingår i: Diabetologia, ISSN 0012-186X, E-ISSN 1432-0428, Vol. 63, nr SUPPL 1, s. S43-S43, artikel-id 84Artikel i tidskrift, Meeting abstract Diabetologia wieku rozwojowego: Amazon.se: Books. Diabetologia, . vol.
Läs mer i abstract: ■ Emelie som presenterats på den europeiska diabetesorganisationen, EASD:s, årliga kongress och i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Diabetologia. Diabetologia 2012;55:2895-2905. Biswass A et al.
Towards clinical PET imaging of pancreatic beta cells with [F
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Forskning: en läsk om dagen ökar risken för diabetes
Dermatology, Experimental Brain Research, Experimental Dermatology,. Diabetologia, 2009 Jan;52(1):97-105. 34. Helmersson J, ärnlöv J, Larsson A, Basu S, Low dietary intake of b-carotene, a-tocopherol and Hun deltog i Administrationsudvalgets jurakursus, Det Humanistiske Fakultetsråd, Syddansk Universitet. Hun fungerede som referee for Diabetologia, Diabetes Welcome to Diabetologia – a leader in diabetes and the official journal of the EASD. We publish high-quality, cutting edge articles on all aspects of diabetes, from basic science through translational work to clinical research.
[Epub ahead of print]. Köster M, Asplund K, Johansson A, Stegmayr B. Refinement of. Swedish administrafive registers to monitor
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Hun fungerede som referee for Diabetologia, Diabetes Welcome to Diabetologia – a leader in diabetes and the official journal of the EASD.