Tyri 1010 4500 LED-arbetsbelysning Wide - Briklas


1010 TYRI 1010 106mmx106mm STD Bas Gummigenomf. - - Strands

Den är Börjar på TYRI was pleased to exhibit our products at the SEMA show in Las Vegas from November 5th to 8th. SEMA is the premier automotive specialty products trade event in the world. It is the place to see the newest automotive performance products, discover the latest product and vehicle trends. Vi har gjort det lättare för Dig som kund att plocka ihop rätt båge med rätt utrustning till just Din maskin.

Tyri 1010

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Ljusflöde: 1800 lumen - E-godkänd som backljus enligt reglemente R23/EMC EN55025 klass 5. Får monteras på +polen för backväxeln. Arbetsbelysning LED från Tyri. Överhettningsskyddad samt skydd för felkoppling och överspänning. Hus i Led Arbetsbelysning Tyri 0606 Anslutningskabel Höger Blinkers Hella Led Blixtljus Ecco Securiled Led Arbetsbelysning Tyri 1010 Bluepoint Led Backlampa Nordic Scorpius G0 410 Led Blixtljus 10-30 V Arbetslampa Nordic N45 Xenon Tough conditions require tough equipment.

The TYRI 1010 LED is a high output LED light. Designed using technologically advanced software to maximize the efficiency of the light, the 1010 platform has the widest configuration of options.

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Vibration dampers are standard and an advantage when ground conditions are uneven. 1010 Curve is used on forklift trucks and demolition robots where less light output is needed, but also on large construction machines and other applications. Arbetsbelysning TYRI 1010/3000.

Tyri 1010 4500 LED-arbetsbelysning Wide - Briklas

Tyri 1010

The TYRI 1010 LED is a high output LED light. Designed using technologically advanced software to maximize the efficiency of the light, the 1010 platform has the widest configuration of options.

Tyri 1010

ARTIKELNR BENÄMNING REK CA PRIS 276-110113 Arbetslampa LED 1010-900 bred 9-60 V 890.00 276-110203 Arbetslampa LED Tyri 1010 HID The 1010 HID (High Intensity Discharge) lights provide significantly more light (lumens per watt-Luminous Flux). The 1010 HID provides light of daylight quality with a luminous flux of 3,250 lumens (equal to 4 standard 55W halogen lights). TYRI 1010 BluePoint har utvecklats att öka säkerheten och minska risken för olyckor runt maskiner. Det färgade och koncentrerade ljusfältetet på golvet framför eller bakom maskinen är en tidig varningssignal som varnar för att det finns en maskin närmar sig.T TYRI 1010 LED Backljus 1800 E-GODKÄND Ljusflöde: 1800 lumen - E-godkänd som backljus enligt reglemente R23/EMC EN55025 klass 5. Får monteras på +polen för backväxeln.
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The 1010 is used in a wide range of applications.

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Boasting 1850 effective lumens, this light is perfect for any off road vehicle. 1850 effective lumens Operating Temp: -40 to 75 C Lens Material: Plastic Lens Pattern: Medium Symmetric Housing: Cast Aluminum … The TYRI 1010 LED is a high output LED light. Designed using technologically advanced software to maximize the efficiency of the light, the 1010 platform has the widest configuration of options. Available with multiple lens patterns and single or multi volt options, this light is one of the most Tough conditions require tough equipment.

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Med 30 års erfarenhet av industri och belysning utvecklar TYRI intelligenta belysningslösningar med den senaste LED-tekniken som uppfyller de specifika och stränga kraven för tunga fordon, gruvdrift, skogsbruk, konstruktionsindustri, jordbruk och materialhantering. TYRI 1010 Curve. The 1010 Curve design boasts improved, sleek and slightly curved cooling flanges to improve the overall heat transfer and efficiency. This work light is available with voltage range option for multi-voltage systems with a draw of 9V to 108V or as a single voltage model for machines operating with 12V or 24V. The TYRI 0606 LED work light may be only 6cm in width and height, but with its 750 effective lumen output, it really shines bright. When you are looking for a small compact work light for applications such as ATVs, speedboats, motorcycles, or small compact machinery, the 0606 is the smart choice.