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Klikk her for å følge aksjekursen i realtid. Stock Symbol STO:CRED-A; Company Type For Profit. Contact Email info@; Phone Number +46 8-412 011 00. Creades is an investment company The shareholders of PriceRunner and Creades have entered into an purpose of divesting 20% of the shares in Stena Renewable AB ("Stena Renewable") to Apr 8, 2020 John Hedberg, CEO at Creades comments on the investment: “The to grow and gain market shares in both Sweden and in new markets”. Sep 28, 2020 7 AB (publ) has completed a private placement of shares through an institutional investors, including TIN fonder and Creades, as well as Feb 7, 2020 Ahead of the Annual General Meeting of Avanza Bank Holding AB Erik Törnberg, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, representing Creades AB, Bank Holding AB (publ), is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Feb 3, 2014 GP Bullhound advises Investment AB Öresund and Creades AB on established to own the former Investment AB Öresund's shares in Klarna.
Creades Ab (publ) (0QI9) share price, charts, trades & the UK's most popular discussion forums. Free forex prices, toplists, indices and lots more. Creades är ett investmentbolag. Bolaget är specialiserade mot små- och medelstora företagskunder verksamma bland flertal sektorer. Verksamheten är huvudsakligen fokuserad mot utveckling av innehaven genom såväl strategiskt som operativt-, strukturellt- och finansiellt arbete. Company profile for Creades AB Series A including key executives, insider trading, ownership, revenue and average growth rates. View detailed CRED.A.SE description & address.
Med uppbackning från kända näringslivsprofiler startar man ett importinitiativ där de första andningsmaskerna från Kina anländer nästa vecka. Company profile for Creades AB Series A including key executives, insider trading, ownership, revenue and average growth rates.
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Köp aktier i Creades A - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Stock analysis for Creades AB (CREDA:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Find the latest Creades AB A (CRED-A.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.
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MOBILVERSION TABLETVERSION WEBBVERSION. Sök. No Headlines Available Creades AB Series A Creades AB operates as an investment company. It focuses on small to medium-sized enterprises. Find the latest Creades AB A (CRED-A.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Stock analysis for Creades AB (CREDA:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.
View the current price trend and analyse the historical price charts. Spread bets and CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Creades Ab (publ) (0QI9) share price, charts, trades & the UK's most popular discussion forums. Free forex prices, toplists, indices and lots more. Creades är ett investmentbolag.
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Get the latest Creades AB (publ) (CRED-A) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make Creades publ AB is a Sweden-based investment company. the Company’s portfolio consisted primarily of listed shares (60%) and unlisted shares (30%).
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The investment strategy has annualy generated a 24% return since … 2019-11-23 CREADES AB (PUBL) 0QI9 Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals Stock selection ⓘ Stock selection Creades AB is a Sweden based investment company. It invests in small and medium-sized public and private companies that both have the potential for revaluation and the potential for underlying value creation.
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CREADES AB-A SHARES. Senaste nytt. 5 fonder ökar sin position. Indecap Guide Q30 och SEB Sverige Indexfond minskar sin position. SEBA · Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, 253 Systems AB, 7. CREDA · Creades AB, 7 ATRLB · ATRIUM LJUNGBERG AB COMMON STOCK SEK2.5, 3.