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Ten-Tec 538 Jupiter
All the hubbub going on about the GNU Radio or SDR-1000 from FlexRadio does not excite me as much as it did before I saw the Jupiter and Ten-Tec Pegasus. Granted, there may be more flexibility in the other systems but Ten-Tec's radios are a complete solution. Jupiter is no ordinary HF transceiver. The TEN-TEC focused on one major design objective. Organize all the outstanding Pegasus features on a front panel that is simple and logical to use without the instruction manual tied to your wrist So many modern HF rigs fail miserably by this measure.
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ten Tec MODEL 538 JUPITER Radio Transceiver at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Update: TenTec tells me that the Jupiter is so sensitive that it hears the S1 noise around the dummy load and that the Icom is probably not sensitive enough to hear the same thing. I have my opinion, but you decide. Micro-Code Updates. This unit came with 60M enabled and other updates so I have not needed to do a micro-code update.
2011-04-22 · The Ten-Tec Jupiter (Model 538), now ten years old, is at the core of my current HF station, as seen in the image at the right taken only a few minutes ago. I wrote an earlier post reprinting the review of the Jupiter I wrote ten years ago, which you can find here. That post shows I was pretty pleased with the rig in 2001.
Matthew Button Facebook
– TenTec deep sixes the Jupiter 538 Without much, if any, announcement TenTec has quietly dropped the TenTec 538 Jupiter. Rumored for some months was TenTec likely dropping the model when supplies on had were depeleted of main boards and certain short supply components. 2015-01-09 · When it comes to rigs I have found "home" in the way of a Ten-Tec Jupiter 538.
Matthew Button Facebook
2002-07-09 includes ten tec radio 538 jupiter. model 705 desk microphone (cord is shot). model 963 switching power supply.
The second step is the physical installations of the tuner into the Jupiter
TEN-TEC Obsolete Products; 588AT OMNI-VII Tx/Rx (legacy) About. Contact; Amateur Radio Perfection Immediate Job Opening in Dayton, Ohio! NEW 588+ OMNI-VII+ Tx/Rx.
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View Full Version : Ten-Tec Base Radios tentec jupiter; Base Radios Ten tec orion · Ten Tec Omni C AGC improvement 20 Mar 2016 The Ten-Tec model 539 Argonaut VI is an attractive and very simple little radio. On the front panel there are only two knobs: one controls the AF Results 1 - 48 of 173 Yaesu FT-847 4 PIN HAND mic microphone for TEN-TEC 565 ORION Pegasus Jupiter 516 Argonaut V - $51. Model: 588at . The company Dynamic Mic wired for Ten Tec Scout 555/556, Argonaut, Jupiter, Omni VI, Corsair. And now the fine print..
It must be activated to transmit with the loop antenna.
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QTC 2003-1 - Scribd
The first step is to reprogram the on-board logic to add hardware support for the tuner. The second step is the physical installations of the tuner into the Jupiter Ten Tec From the Yahoo groups, creating a mirror version here for anyone who wants to join!
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SKD comments 2009-06-20 - SCAG
Jupiter—is a standalone radio that still manages to retain much of the flexibil-ity of its PC dependent sibling.