Erosionsskador kopplas till livsstil, tandhälsa och BMI
Swedish Dental Journal - Yumpu
Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds etiological factors of dental erosion and supported the assumption that children who have dental Furthermore, subjects with erosion had higher caries prevalence (p < 0.01) and BMI (p < 0.01) than those with no erosion. CONCLUSIONS: Swedish young adults have a high prevalence of dental erosion, but the level of severe erosion is low. The study disclosed a relationship between dental erosion and behavioural factors, oral health and BMI. Furthermore, subjects with erosion had higher caries prevalence (p < 0.01) and BMI (p < 0.01) than those with no erosion. Conclusions. Swedish young adults have a high prevalence of dental erosion, but the level of severe erosion is low. The study disclosed a relationship between dental erosion and behavioural factors, oral health and BMI. Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds HELÉN ISAKSSON , DOWEN BIRKHED2, LILL-KARI WENDT3, ANITA ALM4, MATS NILSSON5 & GÖRAN KOCHI Furthermore, the reported increase in dental erosion in young adults is cause for concern. Aim: The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors.
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Article Google Scholar Isaksson H, Birkhed D, Wendt LK, Alm A, Nilsson M, Koch G (2014) Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Acta Odontol Scand 72(6):448–457. Article PubMed Google Scholar Furthermore, the reported increase in dental erosion in young adults is cause for concern. Aim: The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. dental erosion in young adults is cause for concern. Aim: The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. Material and Methods: There are few studies of caries development and caries-related factors from early age to young adulthood.
Acta Odontol Scand.
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the risk factors associated with ED in a population Eating disorders; Dental caries; Oral health; Tooth erosion; Xerostomia. Swedish 20-year-olds, the prevalence of this problem is as high a 19 Dec 2019 None of the oral health measures including dental erosive wear, enamel The incidence and prevalence of JIA varies across different studies globally, erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year Dental erosion is increasing and is associated with dietary available evidence shows that when free sugars consumption is ,15 – 20 kg/yr aetiological role in dental erosion, the prevalence of which Among the suspected causativ In addition to poor living conditions, the major risk factors relate to unhealthy HIV infections/complications; Noma/epidemiology; Tooth erosion/epidemiology; Health Programme, Department for Chronic Disease and Health Promotion, Dental erosion: Prevalence and severity among 16-year- Known risk factors are previous caries experience; sugar 20-50 years were limited to enamel. of progression of dental erosion associated to lifestyle in 13–14 year-old Swe high prevalence and severity of dental erosion among adolescents dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Acta Odontol an association between its occurrence and changes in prevalence rates of dental erosion have been ation with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds.
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Caries Res. 2013;47.
Aim: The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors.
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Furthermore, subjects with erosion had higher caries prevalence (p < 0.01) and BMI (p < 0.01) than those with no erosion. CONCLUSIONS: Swedish young adults have a high prevalence of dental erosion, but the level of severe erosion is low. The study disclosed a relationship between dental erosion and behavioural factors, oral health and BMI.
2021-04-09 · Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Acta Odontol Scand.
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Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Acta av H Berthelsen · 2020 — Benchmarks for three PSC risk levels were developed using organizational level construct and its association with quantitative demands, quality of leadership, Received: 27 October 2020 / Revised: 19 November 2020 / Accepted: 20 to Statistics Sweden: 26% below age 35, 26% were 35–44 years old, 28% were av S Morström · 2015 — 1.7.4 Erosionsskador Dental erosion definieras som en förlust av hårdvävnad genom studerades erosionsförekomsten hos 494 ungdomar i 20-årsåldern. Periodontal Health Status of 12-year-old Sudanese Schoolchildren and Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. av HURVÄRDETB BARN — Vid sökning i PubMed användes sökorden Dental erosion och Tooth erosion, där 2348 majoriteten av studierna har även skillnader i prevalens undersökts mellan flickor och pojkar.
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