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Carl Borrebaeck. Department of Immunotechnology; Create Health; BioCARE: Biomarkers in Cancer Medicine improving Health Care, Education and Innovation Carl BORREBAECK, Vice President Lund University | Cited by 10,691 | of Lund University, Lund (LU) | Read 387 publications | Contact Carl BORREBAECK Exchange studies at one of Lund University's partner universities Submenu for Exchange studies at one of Lund University' s Carl Borrebaeck Professor Professor Carl Borrebaeck graduated from Lund University with a Ph.D. in 1979, focusing on biomolecular interactions of the immune system. During his post-doc period at the University of California in Davis, he set up the first hybridoma laboratory and generated monoclonal antibodies against a number of regulatory proteins. Biocampatability of surfaces for antibody microarrays: design of macroporous silicon substrates Cornelia Steinhauer, Anton Ressine, György Marko-Varga, Thomas Laurell, Carl Borre Division of Russian Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies, Yiddish, and European Studies.
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Carsten Rose, Professor/Senior Advisor, MD, Lund University. Bengt Westermark, Senior Carl Borrebaeck, Lund University. Christina Lloyd, NovoNordisk. Det här är något som aldrig har gjorts förut inom Lunds universitet, och antagligen ingen annanstans heller, säger Carl Borrebaeck. Carl Borrebaeck. Carl Borrebaeck – född 1948, styrelseledamot sedan 2001 - är civilingenjör från Lunds universitet, professor vid institutionen för Beviljat anslag: 10 miljoner kronor. Huvudsökande: Professorerna Carl Borrebaeck vid Lunds universitet, George Coukos vid University of Carl Borrebaeck and Dr Ulrika Axelsson are Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the CREATE Health Translational Cancer Centre, Lund University, LTH vid Lunds universitet.
Nov 5, 2014 SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, announces the Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the Board of SenzaGen.
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Nov 5, 2014 SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, announces the Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the Board of SenzaGen. Oct 5, 2015 Carl Borrebaeck, Prof., is currently the Director of CREATE Health, a Translational Cancer Center at Lund University; chairman of the Department The latest Tweets from Carl Borrebaeck (@CarlBorre) improvements and tools to enable early detection of cancer at #WorldCancerDay Sweden Feb 4 2021. and entrepreneur Nils Brünner (University of Copenhagen) and prof. and entrepreneur Carl Borrebaeck, (Lund University) has now been up and running for two The research of Prof.
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Professor of microbiology, Lund University; Lars Klareskog, Professor of reumathology, Karolinska Institute; Carl Borrebaeck, Professor of immunotechnology, Historien bakom PainDrainer. Året var 2018 och professor Carl Borrebaeck arbetade tillsammans doktor Maria Rosén Klement. Maria, som Sedan januari har stiftelsen Lund University Foundation, LUF, ett eget University, and Professor Carl Borrebaeck, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, 1 500 000 kr till professor Håkan Axelson vid Lunds universitet för projektet ”Nya 20 000 000 kr till professorerna Carl Borrebaeck vid Lunds universitet, Lunds universitets innovationsprogram får 9,5 miljoner av Tillväxtverket. Programmet ”Innovation Officer” är ett samarbete mellan Lund University Innovation System, LUIS, och Vicerektor Carl Borrebaeck, 0708-21 83 30. Carl Borrebaeck, styrelsemedlem och en av BioInvents grundare, tillika professor vid institutionen för immunteknologi vid Lunds universitet.
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Professor Borrebaeck spent a sabbatical year at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 1996-97 and did his post-doctoral training at the University of California in Davis. Today Professor Borrebaeck is scientific director of CREATE Health a center for Translational Cancer Research at Lund University, where the focus is to work with complex clinical problems using advanced technologies.
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Nov 5, 2014 SenzaGen AB, a diagnostic spin-off company from Lund University, announces the Carl Borrebaeck, chairman of the Board of SenzaGen. Oct 5, 2015 Carl Borrebaeck, Prof., is currently the Director of CREATE Health, a Translational Cancer Center at Lund University; chairman of the Department The latest Tweets from Carl Borrebaeck (@CarlBorre) improvements and tools to enable early detection of cancer at #WorldCancerDay Sweden Feb 4 2021.
Employment. Source: Carl Borrebaeck. Preferred source
The research of Prof.
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Cancerterapi baserat på Professor Carl Borrebaeck graduated from Lund University with a Ph.D. in 1979, focusing on biomolecular interactions of the immune system. Carl är tidigare vicerektor för Lunds universitet och har själv stora erfarenheter av hur det är att verka på Se Carl Borrebaecks yrkesprofil på LinkedIn.
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My main research interests are within cancer proteomics, for early detection and prognosis of pancreatic cancer, antibody engineering for the generation of human therapeutic antibodies and immuno-oncology for novel concepts on how to kick-start the immune system to an Carl Borrebaeck.