PCBaSe Sweden : a register-based resource for prostate


Clinical outcomes and economic burden for bladder cancer

We will add new individual data from the Swedish Cancer. Registry with nationwide coverage include cancer  Heléne Öberg, verksamhetsutvecklare med fokus på cancerrehabilitering, RCC Syd från the Swedish National Pancreatic and Periampullary Cancer Registry. Clinical outcomes and economic burden for bladder cancer patients: An analysis from a Swedish cancer registry. Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society  av C Sköld · Citerat av 1 — Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 8Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland; 9Department of Pediatrics,  av J Paoli — The Swedish Cancer Registry. National Board of Health and Welfare. Basal Cell Carcinoma in Sweden 2004-2008.

Swedish cancer registry

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For more information, please contact data manager . 5026 Background: To investigate the clinical and economic disease burden for patients (pts) with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), and metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) using a Swedish bladder cancer registry. Methods: Pts diagnosed with bladder cancer in the Stockholm Gotland region between 2005-2013 were included and followed until May 31 Se hela listan på academic.oup.com The Swedish Cancer Registry was founded. in 1958 and covers the whole population. Approximately 50 000 malignant cases of cancer . is registered every year in Sweden 1 Feb 2021 The Rectal Cancer Register.

More information about the register  23 Apr 2019 The Swedish Cancer Register The Swedish Cancer Register was founded in 1958 and covers the whole population. Approximately 60 000  The Swedish Cancer Registry was established in 1958, and registration was mandatory from the beginning [15].

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Samtliga maligna cancerfall under 1998 selekterades från Slutenvårdsregistret och  Rickard Ljung at Swedish Medical Products Agency The Swedish Cancer Register and Total Population Register provided opportunities for a  have undergone anterior resection for rectal cancer between Q1 2015 and Q4 2017 have been identified in the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry (SCRCR)  complete databases on cancer in the world. We will add new individual data from the Swedish Cancer. Registry with nationwide coverage include cancer  Heléne Öberg, verksamhetsutvecklare med fokus på cancerrehabilitering, RCC Syd från the Swedish National Pancreatic and Periampullary Cancer Registry. Clinical outcomes and economic burden for bladder cancer patients: An analysis from a Swedish cancer registry.

Rapportering till Cancerregistret kan förbättras - Läkartidningen

Swedish cancer registry

There is a separate register for basal cell carci The Swedish Cancer Registry was founded. in 1958 and covers the whole population. Approximately 50 000 malignant cases of cancer . is registered every year in Sweden. It is compulsory for every health care provider. to report newly detected cancer cases to the registry.

Swedish cancer registry

The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Publisher’s Note The Cancer Register (sometimes known as the Swedish Cancer Registry) is nationwide and registration is mandatory. Six regional registries report to the national level data including patient demographics; cancer site, type, and stage; data on diagnosis and reporting; and follow-up information such as date and cause of death or date of migration.
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University Hospital (Sweden) and the Swedish Cancer Registry. Specific cancer registries are set up in various nations to regional differences and to in the Swedish National Periampullary and Pancreatic Cancer registry.

National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR) of Sweden National Quality Register for Bipolar Affective Disorder (BipoläR) National Quality Registers for ear, nose and throat care (OtoRhinoLaryngology) National Quality Registry for Amputation and Prostheses (SwedAmp) The Swedish Cancer Register (SCR) is used extensively for monitoring cancer incidence and survival and for research purposes.
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Information from the registers If you want to know what information about you is in the Background: An audit of all patients with rectal cancer in Sweden was launched in 1995. This is the first report from the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry (SRCR).

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The classification of the diagnoses are originally based on WHO:s ICD – codes (1), which have been adjusted to the Birch – Marsden classification for childhood Survey of Nordic Cancer Registries, 2000 7 SURVEY OF NORDIC CANCER REGISTRIES Introduction The cancer registries in the Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Denmark are operating in populations that are rather alike.