Turning Torso, Malmö
En reklambroschyr från 1926 – Kockums i Malmö
The Kockums Crane (Swedish: Kockumskranen) is a 138-metre (453 ft) high gantry crane in the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea. It was originally used at the Kockums shipyard in Malmö, Sweden den stora kranen som var i malmö när den plåckas #ner #kockumskranen #thecrane I mer än hundra år har det byggts fartyg i Malmö. Under 1950- och 60-talet var Kockums varv ett av de största i hela världen och en betydande arbetsplats i Malmö med över 4000 anställda. Det stora landmärket – den 140 meter höga bockkranen – byggdes 1973 och blev en viktig symbol för både företaget och Malmö. Kockums was our life and the crane symbolized it.” “I saw a TV program about Korea’s shipbuilding industry on the Discovery channel. The ships were the same as the ones we used to build. Before Kockums crane was dismantled, the crane was actually a landmark in Sweden.
Våra erfarna och professionella tandläkare, tandhygienister och tandsköterskor välkomnar alla till oss, små som stora. Before Kockums crane was dismantled, the crane was actually a landmark in Sweden. For many decades, the Kockums crane dominated the skyline of Malmo, Sweden. Many people can actually see it because it was impressively high, wide, and heavy.
Kockumskranen, 146 meter hög bockkran för fartygsbyggen, uppförd åren 1973–1974 i Malmö. Den var fram till 2002 ett landmärke på Kockums dåvarande varvsområde och i Malmö i stort, därefter flyttades den till ett varv i Sydkorea. "The Kockums Crane (or Kockumskranen in Swedish) was a 138-metre-tall crane, formerly of the Swedish shipyard Kockums in Malmö.
Current urban development in Västra Hamnen. Malmö stad
Kockums AB is a shipyard in Malmö, Sweden owned by the German shipbuilder Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), a subsidiary of Kiel-based ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.1 The shipyard formerly possessed a 138 metre high crane, known as the Kockums Crane, built in 1973/1974 and capable of lifting 1500 tons, which was the largest crane in the world when it was installed in 1974.1 The crane … This page was last edited on 3 June 2020, at 10:02. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page.
Twenty images that show Malmö through the ages - The Local
The Turning Torso, built by Calatrava, is now the symbol for the Western Harbour (and even Malmö!) since the Kockums shipbuilding crane was exported to Västra Hamnen in Malmö is an modern district, formerly used as a port and industrial area. Comparable to You can tell by the numerous building cranes. At present For over one hundred years, Kockums was a large shipyard. However Hitta perfekta Port De Malmö bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images. Välj mellan 34 premium Port De Malmö av högsta kvalitet. The debates chosen are about the Kockums Crane and the area of Varvsstaden in Malmö and about the Porters Lodge and the area of RDM in Rotterdam.
Kockums crane can be found in Kockums AB in Malmo before 2002. Since it is the largest in the world, it can lift about 1,500 tons. It is 138 meters high; and popularly known as Kockumskranen. The sale is a reminder of the sale of the giant Kockums crane that was a landmark of Malmö, Sweden until the summer of 2002, when it was shipped to Ulsan, Korea, after being sold to Hyundai Heavy Industries for $14 million. The Koreans dubbed that crane the “Tears of Malmö.”
That was the problem facing the Swedish shipbuilding city of Malmo when the Kockums Crane was dismantled in 2002. This program illustrates the city’s radical solution—a dramatic reinvention of its skyline and its socioeconomic image with the Turning Torso apartment building. Kockums crane can be found in Kockums AB in Malmo before 2002.
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Kockums Crane Malmö Haven, Sweden. Kockumsområdet Malmö Stad, Sweden. Kockums Malmö, Sweden. Kockums Malmö, Sweden. Kockums Malmö, Sweden.
23 september 1999 var Johan Rothman på studiebesök
Kockums was our life and the crane symbolized it.” “I saw a TV program about Korea’s shipbuilding industry on the Discovery channel. The ships were the same as the ones we used to build. Kockums Industrial Heritage. This website documents and showcases the industrial heritage of Kockums.
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picture 7. KOCKUMS 20 articulated dumper from Italy for sale at Truck1 picture. picture 8. About Kockums Jernverk picture. picture 9.