Rulercos SHOW BY ROCK!! Band Plasmagica Chuchu Guitar and


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When in Myumon form, he takes the appearance of a leopard with gold fur with brown spots on his forehead and "A proper honor student; sociable, cute, and a beloved chairman type rabbit girl. As the leader of her band, the other members of the band trust her strongly. Secretly, she has an ambitious side that aims to make a solo debut without telling the other members. She practices guitar everyday and is very serious about music." —translated from the official Show by Rock!! website) Her guitar's ChuChu is a main character in the series Show by Rock. The leader of the band Plasmagica.

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In Light form her attire turns purple and instead of a dress she is wearing a corset and what appears to be a mini skirt. ChuChu is a pale-skinned girl with soft rose-colored eyes and pale, long lilac hair with curls along the end and straight cut bangs. She has a white fluffy rabbit tail and very pale pink rabbit ears.

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She practices guitar everyday and is very serious about music." —translated from the official Show by Rock!! website) Her guitar's ChuChu is a main character in the series Show by Rock. The leader of the band Plasmagica. Even though she secretly dreams of becoming a solo artist, she likes and is liked by her bandmates, acting as the secondary guitarist and main vocalist of Plasmagica.

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